Radio Requests – A How To Guide

1. Stick to your local area. This is the most important thing with stations that don’t have online listening facilities!!
2. Don’t flood radio stations with requests, this is a surefire way to make them not play the song you are requesting. Try to also spread your requests out at different times of the day to different DJs so as to get your requests heard more widely.
3. Phone or Fax your requests rather than emailing them unless they provide specific email addresses or places on their websites for requests.
4. Be nice to whoever you contact to request a song, remember they aren’t likely to play something for you if you demand it to be played.
5. Call from different phone numbers. Vary between your fixed line and mobile / cell phone.

Online Radio Stations

1. Make use of facilities such as ‘Rate The Song’ or ‘Rate The Artist’ or similar functions found on a radio station website. Vote a few times if you can but don’t go overboard. Once a day is usually enough.
2. If you listen to radio stations outside your area online send them requests and feedback but again don’t flood the station. If you send an email make sure you tell them that you listen online but don’t forget do follow some of the same general rules for requesting as for your local radio stations.
3. Change your email address … Send requests from different email addresses to stop radio stations ignoring you!!

Other Tips for Promoting Darren Hayes

1. Tell your friends, relatives, neighbours, workmates etc.
2. Give a copy of Darren’s CD to people as a gift.
3. Use the resources of the fan promotion sites listed below to get more ideas.

Got any good promotion tips? Send Them In 🙂

Major Promotion Targets

MTV & VH1 – These are the two big American Video Stations. If you can get these guys to play a song you are headed for success. There are also branches of both of these music video stations in other parts of the world. Visit the MTV International links page to find the local MTV for your country or region.

Darren Hayes Promotion Sites

Darren Hayes Central Promotion Forum – Post your ideas on promotion with other fans in out Promotion Forum.
House of Hayes – Lots of information to help in the promotion of fans including the largest list of US radio stations. Also includes Street Teams
Darren Hayes Fans – Home to one of the biggest Street Teams in the world.

This Page will be updated with more promotion tips soon 🙂